Humanoid Sounds has updated their synth ScannedSynth2 to version 2.0.10. The update contains a new built-in preset manager and also a correction for a project saving bug with the presetbanks (AU version).
The new preset manager needed to be skinned so that's what this skin update is about. You can see in the screenshot, I've added the preset manager and the "rename preset" button at the bottom of the gui below the ScannedSynth logo.
Jeskola Buzz is a freeware modular tracker, a very powerful application if you are into trackers. Since Buzz is now updated again I've made a theme for my own pleasure but I will share it to anyone who wants it too. You can download the theme here: Brightlime
There are 3 new skins for Blue Cat Audio's Products available to download at Blue Cat's website. Or you can download them all in one file right here: BlueCatAudio skinbundle
The skinned plugins are the Dynamics, Protector and StereoChorus.
Only the stereo version of the Dynamics plugin is skinned, a mono version might be coded later on.