Friday, May 27, 2011

Fuzzpilz Oatmeal

More skins for the Oatmeal synthesizer (freeware). First of all, the Lumina skin is updated to R8. Nothing fancy, just corrected the linkname on the gui that leads to the Oatmeal download. Suprisingly no one has noticed this before (Thanks Derek) >Download here< 

The bigger news is that there are 2 new skins for Oatmeal, both based on the Lumina layout. The first skin is the Tron Legacy inspired skin built by Derek Halpenny, with small assistance from me. >Download here< 

The second skin is a lighter variant of the Tron skin, desaturated and brightened to suit my taste. This skin is all done by me. >Download here< 

Preview image below is a 2-in-1 view.

(Links updated 2021 February 12th)


  1. Epic fail on the choice of background colour for your blog, plus epic fail for all the font sizes and colours... almost unreadable...

  2. Epic fail to your comment ;)
    Give suggestions for improvements if you are going to critize otherwise no one will ever take notice of your friendly way of helping.

    ps. I have been planning to change the look of this blog for a while now.

  3. great and thx , keep doing what u do and dont listen to STPD* people ;)

    * stupid

  4. Like a Toxic Biohazard.

    Great skin, cool&cool.

  5. I don't get the criticism of the site. The color scheme is just fine, and is very readable. The font size is slightly small, but I can read it just fine. Anyways, can't wait to try out this skin, as I don't really like Oatmeal's default skin.

  6. Don't change anything, your blog is clear and readable !
    Very Good job for Oatmeal...New skin is awesome !
    This synth look like a VST Pro ;)
    Everything is perfect !

  7. Well, I like the new skin and the site is absolutely fine mate!


  8. We're grateful for your talent and generosity. Thanks!

    Regarding the criticism---as the guy said in The Wizard of Oz: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

  9. Great skin! Thanks!!!

  10. It looks good to me because I am color blind and it is difficult to read many of the other skins because they use RED too much. I can barely see the amounts.

  11. I love the skin, excellent work!
    Is there a way I can make it bigger on my display???

  12. Thanks :)

    Unforunatley there's no way of resizing the gui.

  13. Absolutley amazing skin. What you did was take one of the best synths around that had an incredibly crappy interface, and made it look like a 100$ synth. Great, great work.

  14. Thanks for the skins! This makes Oatmeal a lot easier to look at, and to use.

  15. Simply stunning! Wish I knew about Oatmeal's skin support before...never could use it because it was so hard on the eyes, but this makes it look straight pro! Thank you for making this :D

  16. Nice thank you so much. One of my favorite synths. This layout makes it much more intuitive.

  17. Very nice skin.Thank you

  18. hi..thanks for the skins..I've used Lumina for years but only just found your website.

    was there an upper limit to the Oatmeal GUI size because it seems odd nobodies down a superlarged one for people with 27inch+ monitors.

    Is it a relatively straightforward skinning process ?

  19. Commenter 1, please, use Ctrl+0 to reset your navigator font size, or instead Ctrl+"+" to increase font size. FlavoursofLime knows something else than selecting the right font type, size and colour...

  20. Epic success! Thanks, all look awesome
